Where were you born?
In a Field, or maybe a wood pile, not sure

Hometown and high school?
Hometown USA

The Streets

Favorite pastime?

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Wanted to be John Boy's Dog

Duties with the Big Show?
The Big Show Works for me

Favorite food?
Everything, That's my favorite. Sometimes it doesn't even have to be edible

How did you get started in this business?
I was in the right place at the right timet you could say

Any ent. background you wish to include?
I can do a mean "shake" if you have food

Andy odd Habits?
Scoot my butt on the floor from time to time, sue me!

If you could be any celebrity for the day, who would it be?
Triumph, the insult comic

First car?
John Boy's Truck

What would be your ultimate vacation?
Anywhere with John Boy, oh and with anyone who would feed me 24/7

Favorite saying?

Best memory on the show?
When I showed up

Hopes for the future