
Where were you born?
Ivory Coast, Africa

Hometown and high school?
Horseheads, New York
Horsehead High. I was the team mascot…

Masters in Chemical Engineering from Eastern Carolina

Favorite pastime?
Extreme Waterboarding

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A UPS Driver or Toll Booth Operator

Duties with the Big Show?
Sales Director..I think

Favorite food?
Duck Cakes with a hint of fennel

Favorite movie?
Spinal Tap

Favorite song?
Clair de Lune..Debussy

Favorite band of all time?
Andy Gootch Band

How did you get started in this business?
My grandmother was Raifords 1st or 4th wife..Can remember exactly, but it was during prohibition…

Any odd habits?

Marital status?

Yes, 2…maybe 3 …not really sure

If you could be any celebrity for the day, who would it be?
Arnold Ziffle

First car?
1976 Dodge Dart Convertible with Hemi

What would be your ultimate vacation?
About 6 months

First job?
IRS agent

Favorite saying?
"I don't talk to people in your condition"

Best memory on the show?
Raiford Streaking through the studio…

Most interesting guest?
Marcel Marceau or Steven Hawking

Hopes for the future?
World Peace and Lower Prices on ammunition..

Anything else you would like to add?
For Big Show Advertising
call Jay at 704-714-9545..